Persistent Registries

Persistent component managers.

class zope.component.persistentregistry.PersistentAdapterRegistry(bases=())[source]

Bases: zope.interface.adapter.VerifyingAdapterRegistry, persistent.Persistent

An adapter registry that is also a persistent object.

Changed in version 5.0.0: Internal data structures are now composed of persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping and persistent.list.PersistentList. This helps scale to larger registries.

Previously they were dict, list and tuple, meaning that as soon as this object was unpickled, the entire registry tree had to be unpickled, and when a change was made (an object registered or unregisterd), the entire registry had to be pickled. Now, only the parts that are in use are loaded, and only the parts that are modified are stored.

The above applies without reservation to newly created instances. For existing persistent instances, however, the data will continue to be in dicts and tuples, with some few exceptions for newly added or changed data.

To fix this, call rebuild() and commit the transaction. This will rewrite the internal data structures to use the new types.

class zope.component.persistentregistry.PersistentComponents(name='', bases=())[source]

Bases: zope.interface.registry.Components

A component implementation that uses PersistentAdapterRegistry.

Note that this object itself is not Persistent.

Conforming Adapter Lookup

Here, we’ll demonstrate that changes work even when data are stored in a database and when accessed from multiple connections.

Start by setting up a database and creating two transaction managers and database connections to work with.

>>> import ZODB.MappingStorage
>>> db = ZODB.MappingStorage.DB()
>>> import transaction
>>> t1 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> c1 =
>>> r1 = c1.root()
>>> t2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> c2 =
>>> r2 = c2.root()

Create a set of components registries in the database, alternating connections.

>>> from zope.component.persistentregistry import PersistentComponents
>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import I1
>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import I2
>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import U
>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import U1
>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import U12
>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import handle1
>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import handle2
>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import handle3
>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import handle4

>>> _ = t1.begin()
>>> r1[1] = PersistentComponents('1')
>>> t1.commit()

>>> _ = t2.begin()
>>> r2[2] = PersistentComponents('2', (r2[1], ))
>>> t2.commit()

>>> _ = t1.begin()
>>> r1[3] = PersistentComponents('3', (r1[1], ))
>>> t1.commit()

>>> _ = t2.begin()
>>> r2[4] = PersistentComponents('4', (r2[2], r2[3]))
>>> t2.commit()

>>> _ = t1.begin()
>>> r1[1].__bases__
>>> r1[2].__bases__ == (r1[1], )

>>> r1[1].registerUtility(U1(1))
>>> r1[1].queryUtility(I1)
>>> r1[2].queryUtility(I1)
>>> t1.commit()

>>> _ = t2.begin()
>>> r2[1].registerUtility(U1(2))
>>> r2[2].queryUtility(I1)

>>> r2[4].queryUtility(I1)
>>> t2.commit()

>>> _ = t1.begin()
>>> r1[1].registerUtility(U12(1), I2)
>>> r1[4].queryUtility(I2)
>>> t1.commit()

>>> _ = t2.begin()
>>> r2[3].registerUtility(U12(3), I2)
>>> r2[4].queryUtility(I2)
>>> t2.commit()

>>> _ = t1.begin()

>>> r1[1].registerHandler(handle1, info="First handler")
>>> r1[2].registerHandler(handle2, required=[U])

>>> r1[3].registerHandler(handle3)

>>> r1[4].registerHandler(handle4)

>>> r1[4].handle(U1(1))
handle1 U1(1)
handle3 U1(1)
handle2 (U1(1),)
handle4 U1(1)

>>> t1.commit()

>>> _ = t2.begin()
>>> r2[4].handle(U1(1))
handle1 U1(1)
handle3 U1(1)
handle2 (U1(1),)
handle4 U1(1)
>>> t2.abort()

>>> db.close()

Subscription to Events in Persistent Registries

>>> import ZODB.MappingStorage
>>> db = ZODB.MappingStorage.DB()
>>> import transaction
>>> t1 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> c1 =
>>> r1 = c1.root()
>>> t2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> c2 =
>>> r2 = c2.root()

>>> from zope.component.persistentregistry import PersistentComponents

>>> _ = t1.begin()
>>> r1[1] = PersistentComponents('1')
>>> r1[1].registerHandler(handle1)
>>> r1[1].registerSubscriptionAdapter(handle1, provided=I2)
>>> _ = r1[1].unregisterHandler(handle1)
>>> _ = r1[1].unregisterSubscriptionAdapter(handle1, provided=I2)
>>> t1.commit()
>>> _ = t1.begin()
>>> r1[1].registerHandler(handle1)
>>> r1[1].registerSubscriptionAdapter(handle1, provided=I2)
>>> t1.commit()

>>> _ = t2.begin()
>>> len(list(r2[1].registeredHandlers()))
>>> len(list(r2[1].registeredSubscriptionAdapters()))
>>> t2.abort()

Adapter Registrations after Serialization / Deserialization

We want to make sure that we see updates corrextly.

>>> import persistent
>>> import transaction
>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> from zope.interface import implementer
>>> class IFoo(Interface):
...     pass
>>> @implementer(IFoo)
... class Foo(persistent.Persistent):
...     name = ''
...     def __init__(self, name=''):
... = name
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return 'Foo(%r)' %

>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import base
>>> from zope.component.tests.examples import clear_base
>>> len(base._v_subregistries)

>>> import ZODB.MappingStorage
>>> db = ZODB.MappingStorage.DB()
>>> tm1 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> c1 =
>>> from zope.component.persistentregistry import PersistentAdapterRegistry
>>> r1 = PersistentAdapterRegistry((base,))
>>> r2 = PersistentAdapterRegistry((r1,))
>>> c1.root()[1] = r1
>>> c1.root()[2] = r2
>>> tm1.commit()
>>> r1._p_deactivate()

>>> len(base._v_subregistries)

>>> tm2 = transaction.TransactionManager()
>>> c2 =
>>> r1 = c2.root()[1]
>>> r2 = c2.root()[2]

>>> r1.lookup((), IFoo, '')

>>> base.register((), IFoo, '', Foo(''))
>>> r1.lookup((), IFoo, '')

>>> r2.lookup((), IFoo, '1')

>>> r1.register((), IFoo, '1', Foo('1'))

>>> r2.lookup((), IFoo, '1')

>>> r1.lookup((), IFoo, '2')
>>> r2.lookup((), IFoo, '2')

>>> base.register((), IFoo, '2', Foo('2'))

>>> r1.lookup((), IFoo, '2')

>>> r2.lookup((), IFoo, '2')

>>> db.close()
>>> clear_base()